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Events Committee

Hours of Operation


The North Canaan Events Committee is an all-volunteer organization that works to promote economic growth, success and unity within the community through communication, events and celebration.  Passionate and dedicated volunteers are planning events during each season including fun and entertainment for families as well as hosting vendor and craft markets. 

The Events Committee’s goal is to support monthly events happening in our community. Here are a few of the highlights being planned for 2025:

In February, look for “Cupid’s Quest - A Valentine Adventure”

In March, join us for S’mores over the firepits 

In April, hop on over to the egg hunt 

In May, our monthly Night Markets will begin on the 2nd Friday. Then later in the month, the Spring Vendor Market 

In June, Night Market on the 2nd Friday. The second annual community tag sale will be held on Father’s Day weekend. Followed by our famous Family Fun Week, celebrating the end of the school year. 

In July, Night Market # 3 on the 2nd Friday. Summer Nights in Canaan will include the Carnival, parade, fireworks and more!

In August, “Old Railroad Days” comes back with focus on our train legacy and other events.

In September, Night Market #5 

In October, the final Night Market of the season. Pumpkin Fest and Scarecrow Contest

In November, come see Santa at Winterfest and in the Parade of Lights

In December, we will be celebrating with business window and residential decorating contests, letters to Santa and, hopefully, some snow!!

Stay tuned for additional details as the events draw closer!

The committee invites residents and visitors to join them during their quarterly meetings on the 4th Monday of each month, January, April, July and October at 5:30 held in the North Canaan Town Hall.  Follow NCEC on Facebook and Instagram and find more information at their website at

The Chair  can be contacted at


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